Trailer Trip 2021 - Day 1 and 2: Tacoma To Virginia City


Left Lakewood Washington on our 6-week trailer trip down south to see some national parks.  First night we stayed at Cabin Creek rest area in Oregon, just north of Roseburg.

Cabin Creek Rest Area

 We then boogied on down toward California and Nevada.  After crossing into California, we filled up with gas in Yreka.  Yikes!  Gas was 75 cents or more a gallon in California over Oregon.  Next time I’ll fill up just before crossing into California. 


We eventually headed east toward California and Susanville with our sights somewhere near for Reno.  Went through Reno, seemed like a very dead town these days, and then up the Geiger Grade into Virginia City Nevada for the night.  Got to the RV park just after dark. 

Geiger Grade
