No Room at the Resort - Port Neville to Alert Bay - Day 10: June 11, 2022


No Room at the Resort - Port Neville to Alert Bay - Day 10: June 11, 2022

Left early again to catch the morning tide at 5:42 am.  Prior to leaving I pulled up my crap trap.  All the meet on my chicken leg bait was stripped clean, but no crabs in pot.  Thought I had a crab trap, guess it is only a crab feeder. .

As we moved up the coast there was a southeast wind.  Rolled out the jib and motor sailed.  The sail gave me an extra .5 knots of boat speed.  The wind lasted for an hour or so the disappeared.  

The current changed and we started bucking the tide.  We decided to have lunch at Telegraph Cove Resort to wait out the tide for a while.  The cove is small.  We could see there was no room to turn around in cove.  Therefore, we backed in hoping to find a dock spot big enough for our boat.  After getting in there we could tell the were no dock spots big enough for a boat our size.  The resort clearly only catered to small fishing boats.

Backing into Telegraph Cove

Since we couldn’t get in the cove, we anchor in a cove just southeast of the resort, named Bauza Cove.  We then dinghied over.  They charged us $5 to tie our dinghy to the dock.  It was well worth the money just to visit this historic place.

We walked around the boardwalk that lines the cove.  Very interesting place with lots of historically buildings that line the boardwalk. They had sign boards giving history to almost building.  

Not a very busy place this time of year.  But when the fish are running this place is packed with fisherman and small fishing boat. Today there were just bunch of whale watchers.

We had a nice lunch in a café on the boardwalk.  I had a cheese burger, and Heather a chicken burger. Then after our meal we visited the Whale Museum.

After leaving Telegraph and Bueza Cove we headed for Alert Bay.  My cousin Tom lives there.  He has a place right on the water. Actually it overhangs the water.  As we motored up the beach toward his place we came in close.  Tom’s dog, Joey, barked at us. Didn’t see Tom.  Later we found he was in his shop doing some wood work.

There was already a sailboat tied to the public dock close to Tom’s place, so we anchored over by the band dock.  Probably a better spot to spend the night since northwest winds were forecast. We then took the dinghy over to the dock and strolled down to Tom’s house. 

While there a couple of his friend, Don and Nicole stopped by from Vancouver.  Nicole had just purchased the old barbershop property across the street from Tom’s.  We all had dinner and drinks together.  Enjoyed the company, the discussion and view of the water while we ate

We headed back to the boat around 9:45 pm. It was still very light out due to it being close to the longest day of the year.  Or maybe it because we are moving closer to the land of the midnight sun.
