Watmough Bay to Spencer Spit - Day 3: June 4, 2022

I woke up at 6 am this morning, and recorded yesterday’s events in my journal.  Lazy day this morning while we wait for the strong outgoing current to slow down.  Heather is making French toast for breakfast. Need to use up all the white bread before it spoils.

Today I used the old school method to determine what to expect in weather. Barometer is at 1012 millibars.  When I tap on it moves slightly higher.  Hopefully that means the weather will be improving.  Only time will tell.  Wind is blowing this morning.  Hopefully when we leave it will still be blowing so we can sail. 

We keep ourselves busy around the boat while we wait for the outgoing current to slow down.  I work on reviewing my old Alaska 2018 trip journal, while Heather busies herself cleaning up and stowing stuff.  Seems like it always takes a while for everything to find its rightful stowage spot.  Boat is much more orderly when Heather finishes.

We leave Watmough Bay at around 11:00 am.  Once we clear the entrance of the bay, I roll out the headsail and sail down wind up Rosario Strait.  We sail through Lopez pass with the wind with us and the current against us. At times the wind is so light because Lopez Island is leaving us in a wind shadow.  At times we are just treading water.  Meaning we are not going anywhere, even though we are moving 1.5 knots through the water.  

We sail all the way to Spencer Spit, a distance of a little over 8 miles. There is not a single boat moored at the park.  We tuck into Swifts Bay just beyond Spencer Spit Park.  Hopefully this will keep us out of the strongest of the winds, and the biggest of the wind waves.  We anchor in 25 feet of water.  Wave Dancer, my brothers boat ties next to us.

We have a potluck for dinner on Wave Dancer.  We all head to bed when it gets dark.  For some reason when on the boat your sleep pattern is dictated by the light.  Up when the sun comes up down when the sun goes down.  I read a few pages of my Rain People book, before turning off the light and drifting off to sleep.

Heather Sailing the Boat
